109 Gateway Ave. Suite 101

Wexford, PA 15090


Meet the Doctor


Dr. Peter Lawton

Chiropractic care, when delivered properly, has a profound ability to unleash the innate healing potential within each one of us.

The thing I've always hated about going to the doctor is that I go in and tell them my life story and yet I know virtually nothing about them. It seems so one-sided and unfair. I want to change that starting now.

With over 30 years and more than half my life spent as a chiropractor, my passion for my profession has both grown and evolved over time. I have seen many miracles over the years and I am always amazed at the incredible capacity of the human body to heal, if it is just given the right opportunity. Chiropractic care, when delivered properly, has a profound ability to unleash the innate healing potential within each one of us. Equally as powerful is the impact of the relationship that develops between myself, my staff and the practice member. It is that relationship that allows a truly caring and nurturing environment to be created, where growth and healing can take place. To me, the relationship is everything. Without it, the experience is devoid of life and bears no fruit.

Chiropractic Inspiration

I originally became inspired to become a healing practitioner because of a profound experience in my own life. As a boy, I became a competitive gymnast. For ten years, during practice or while competing, I was always "in the zone." Gymnastics was in my blood. I dreamed of a career as a competitive collegiate level gymnast, like my older brother, after I graduated high school.

Unfortunately, by the time I got to college, I began to experience often excruciating and debilitating shoulder pain that kept me from training or competing or doing just about anything. I sought help from the best doctors at the university, but all they could offer was major surgery with no guarantee of the outcome and, at the worst, the demoralizing prospect of "just learning to live with it." My once-bright athletic career came to a disheartening halt. I was crushed and felt helpless to do anything about it. I was at an all-time low.

Several years later I was in even more pain from an auto accident. On account of this accident, I'd been suffering from neck pain, headaches, stiffness and difficulty moving, not to mention my continued shoulder pain. My mother recommended I see a chiropractor she knew. The chiropractor examined me and put me under a program of care that, within weeks, had me feeling much better, (and much to my surprise) even my shoulders. I was ecstatic. I could once again move and be active without pain. My only regret was that I didn't know about chiropractic years earlier when it probably could have saved my gymnastics' career. However, I was still incredibly happy to have my life back again. It was this experience that made me want to devote my life to the healing art of chiropractic.

Chiropractic Education

I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition from Penn State University in 1980. While I was there I realized I would need to further my education in order to be able to help individuals to be truly healthy. It was about this time that I had such a positive experience with chiropractic and I decided that it would be a perfect fit with my nutrition background. So off I went to Palmer College of Chiropractic - West in Sunnyvale, Calif. It was a very exciting time for me, as my class was one of the first classes to start at the Palmer-West campus. After graduating in 1985, I practiced in California for three years before returning to my hometown of Pittsburgh with my wife Dawne to establish a practice and raise a family.

Personal Experience

My own personal experience with chiropractic is why I've chosen to devote my life to the healing arts of this profession. I quickly realized that the pain and sorrow I went through was all part of God's plan for me. Becoming a chiropractor is a gift that's been given to me; a gift I want to share so that people can feel like I did when I first realized what chiropractic care had done for me. The experience I went through made me want to make sure no one in my community would have to suffer pain and anguish and lose hope for the future.

Principles of Chiropractic

Becoming a chiropractor and opening my Wexford Chiropractic office has given me so much satisfaction because I've been able to partner with so many wonderful people to help them restore their health and bring happiness and a real sense of joy to their lives. I believe with all of my heart in the principles of chiropractic, which simply are that the power that made the body can heal the body. Health is actually our natural state and we have an inborn ability to heal and self-regulate. Chiropractic has the ability to unleash that potential that's often locked up inside of us. No matter how long I practice chiropractic, I always go all-out to improve my technical skills and I also strive for and believe that I give an excellent service for a fair and reasonable fee.

Family Life

I've been married to my lovely wife Dawne since 1985 and together we have three wonderful children: Tyler, Zack and Hayley. They are all adults now and are pursing their careers. All of them are very musically gifted and I continue to live my "musical fantasies" out through each of them. We have a female dog named Pippa who is a wonderful addition to our "empty nest". In my spare time  train in Tae Kwon Do. I enjoy reading, music and travel and I take pleasure being active in my church and absolutely cherish spending time with my wife and children. I hate to admit it, but I do love to putz around my house.

I feel it's very important as a "wellness coach" and a health-care provider that I "walk the walk and talk the talk". I get adjusted on a weekly basis, sometimes more if necessary. I don't exercise; I train. I believe in the "80-20 rule" when it comes to my diet: 80% of the time I work at eating an abundance of vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish and whole grains. I try to eat every three to four hours to keep my blood sugar stable and maintain my muscle mass.

I personally take the highest quality nutritional supplements daily, which are chosen based on a complete nutritional analysis which is done at our office. I have this analysis done every three to four months to fine tune my nutritional needs over time. I use traditional western medicine as little as possible, usually only in a crisis or an emergency situation. It is much better to be pro-active than reactive when it comes to our health.

Enough about us! How can we help you with today’s safe and natural chiropractic care? Give us a call at the office (724-934-3911) so we can help you take your first step towards better health.

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2:00 pm-6:00 pm


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2:00 pm-6:00 pm


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2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

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